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Promise-Keeping 3: Lesson Plan - National Legal Codes & Values


Updated: Jul 29, 2024

 Author: PhDc. Dorina Daiu

Purpose: Promote active citizenship by studying shared values that are part of the legal code in Albania and Israel

Audience: Students at Dertliu High School, ages 16-17, Tirana, Albania


General Learning Objectives


Students will:


  • Examine the concepts of Besa and justice

  • Compare and contrast how these concepts are essential in the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the laws of Moses

  • Understand the historical, legal, and cultural factors that led to valuing and legally protecting these concepts in Albania and Israel

  • Assess the impact of these concepts in society today and their role in promoting active citizenship


Introduction (15 Minutes):


  • Welcome and introduce the seminar's objectives

  • Briefly describe the core concepts of keeping promises and justice within the legal codes of Albania (Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini) and Israel (laws of Moses)

  • Describe the historical and cultural contexts that produced an emphasis on both concepts


Describe the Legal and Cultural Frameworks that Protect and Value Besa and Justice in Both Nations (25 Minutes)

Context 1: Albania - Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini


  • The meaning of Besa in the Kanun: an unchanging vow tied to honor and respect with profound societal influences. Adherence to Besa safeguards individual and familial honor. Violating Besa results in severe consequences.

  • Gender Implications: Explain the moral obligation to protect the honor and dignity of women.

  • Social and Familial Dedication: Explore Besa's deep impact on social and familial relationships, fostering commitment and trust.

  • Legal Proceedings: Examine cases of Besa violation, highlighting the role of mediation.

  • International Relations and Reconciliation

  • Social Structure: How Besa has shaped the traditional Albanian social structure, defining familial and societal roles.


Context 2: Israel - Mosaic Law and Decalogue


  • Briefly describe each of the Ten Commandments and their foundation to Hebrew and Christian beliefs.

  • Summarize the key points associated with each culture.


Group Work (25 minutes)

Introduce the group work and its purpose


Group 1 (Besa)

  • Explore the profound concept of Besa as an unchanging vow tied to honor and belief, drawing parallels with moral aspects found in the Laws of Moses

  • Present quotes from the Kanun that depict Besa as a steadfast commitment, creating a bridge between personal conviction and societal norms

Group 2 (Justice in the Kanun)

  • Examine how justice is portrayed in the Kanun, emphasizing its importance and the severe consequences for violating its norms

  • Share quotes illustrating the unique role of justice in the Kanun, drawing connections to the Old Testament's commandments, e.g., "Do not steal" and "There will be no false witness"


Each group presents their findings, highlighting commonalities and differences followed by open dialogue with questions and further discussion. Below are examples of commonalities:


Loyalty (Besa):

  • Both the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the Laws of Moses underscore the significance of loyalty. In the Albanian context, Besa is portrayed as an unchanging vow, a commitment to protect honor and belief. Similarly, the Old Testament emphasizes loyalty through commandments such as "Do not have other gods before me."

Divine Form and Source:

  • While there are differences in the divine nature of the texts, both acknowledge a connection to the divine. The Laws of Moses are explicitly derived from a divine source, emphasizing the authority of God. On the other hand, the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini, although not explicitly originating from a divine source, is deeply rooted in the traditions and customs of the Albanian people, reflecting a reverence for cultural values.




Student Feedback

The group work led to engaging discussions centered around the challenges and opportunities in preserving cultural values within a contemporary context. Themes focused on the contrast between inherited traditions and modern needs as well as the implication of globalization, technology, cultural preservation and social changes.

Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive and engagement was at a maximum level.

Participants demonstrated a deep consciousness for the importance of preserving their cultural heritage and values. After researching these Albanian-Jewish cultural connections, the conversation emphasized respect and tolerance for religious and cultural diversity as well as a desire to learn more about Jewish culture in Albania.

Instructor Feedback

In essence, the group work was pivotal in shaping students into critical thinkers, effective communicators, and culturally aware individuals, all of which contribute to the overarching goals of this Albania-Israel initiative in promoting active citizenship and cultural appreciation.

The group work on commonalities between the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the Laws of Moses not only deepened students' understanding of cultural values but also equipped them with the following skills essential for active citizenship.


Promote Critical Thinking

Students critically analyze and identify similarities and differences between the Kanun and the Old Testament. This prompts them to think about the cultural, ethical, and legal implications embedded in both legal codes.

Foster Collaboration

Group work builds collaboration and teamwork. Students learn to exchange ideas, share perspectives, and engage in meaningful discussions, fostering a sense of collective exploration.

Sharpen Communication Skills

Since students are required to present their ideas to the class, they must articulate their thoughts clearly and express complex concepts concisely, which are valuable skills in academic and professional settings.

Deepen Cultural Understanding

Through collaborative analysis, students gain a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances embedded in the Kanun and the Old Testament. They explore how these texts shape societal norms, justice systems, and the role of faith.

Support Peer Learning

Group work enables peer-to-peer learning. Students have the opportunity to learn from each other, share diverse perspectives, and benefit from the collective knowledge within the group.

Encourage Active Engagement:

The interactive nature of group work ensures students actively engage with the material. This contributes to a richer learning experience and a more profound connection to the project's objectives.


Long-term implications for Albanian-Jewish Cultural Exploration

Cross-cultural lessons focused on specific concepts have the potential to increase awareness and collaboration across and between communities. These discussions can lead to the creation of projects and other activities that further strengthen connections and support the preservation of essential common values. It would be beneficial to organize more discussion sessions, joint training and other initiatives that strengthen ties between Jewish and Albanian communities. This could involve inviting experts, and other cultural and educational organizations to engage in cooperative efforts and ongoing dialogues. By creating joint educational projects and online platforms with access to a wider audience, more opportunities will exist to convey shared history and heritage that promote awareness and respect for diversity.


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