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Intriguing Parallels Between the Ancient Traditional Albanian Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the Laws of Moses

Organized by: PhDc. Dorina Daiu

1. Project Description:

The initiative to connect Besa and the Torah has embarked on a deep exploration journey, delving into the values and traditions of Besa in the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the Laws of Moses from the Torah.

The event centered on the topic of "Covenant Relationships," emphasizing the connections between Besa and Torah within the religious, cultural and legal contexts presented in the Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini and the Laws of Moses. This event promoted unique common values of Jewish-Albanian religion and culture in both communities.

Despite the scarcity of archival materials in Albania, Dr. Kumbulla's diligent efforts have contributed to the exploration of these unique connections. Key steps include studying and comparing religious texts. The impact has been an increase in understanding among religious communities and improvement in religious tolerance.

For more information please read BLOG 3: Lesson Plan 1 - National Legal Codes & Values under the Blog Theme of Promise-Keeping

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