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Royal Commitment to Jewish Protection: King Zog's Civic-Democratic Competence and Diplomacy

Organized by: Associate Professor Dr. Florenca Stafa

Project Topic:

Royal Commitment to Jewish Protection: King Zog's Civic-Democratic Competence and Diplomacy


Exploring King Zog's Vision: Lessons of Endurance, Advocacy and Tolerance for future Educators and Leaders 

Organized by: Associate Professor Dr. Florenca Stafa


1. Project Description:

Dr. Stafa's research centered on the period of World War II and the experiences of the Hebrew community during this time in Albania. The project focused into crucial questions surrounding the sheltering of Hebrews, especially during King Zog I's reign and his enduring royal commitment to Jewish protection, analyzing a king’s civic-democratic competence and diplomacy as an example to follow at all times and ages.


Workshops Questions and the Discussion: What was the attitude of Albanians towards Jews over the years? Has it changed since recent conflicts? Why would you emphasize the special protection given to Jews by King Zog and the Albanian government?

What should students understand from his commitment to encourage critical thinking?


The project also explored the agreements made by leaders at the time and investigates the discrepancies in data regarding the actual number of Hebrews in Albania. These inquiries provide a comprehensive understanding of the Hebrew question and its significance, emphasizing the impact King Zog's Legacy on advocacy of tolerance and diplomacy and how it can be applied to empower future leaders and educators.

For more information please read BLOG 4: Lesson Plan 2 - Albanian's Royal Commitment to Protection under the Blog theme of Promise-Keeping

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